Coming Events

17/11/2024 Sunday -> 20/11/2024 Wednesday at Horeca Expo Gent, ask for an invitation

NOV-DEC 2024 To be determined Investor Night, for SB investors

Previous Events

05/09/2024 Thursday 16h00-21h00 Presentation V3 at, for Professionals

Only for professionals: presentation of new brewery

26/04 2024 Friday 17h00-21h00 Informal drink at, all welcome

INFORMAL all welcome : come and see our prototype and have a beer with us

29/03/2024 Friday 17h00-21h00 Informal drink at, all welcome

INFORMAL all welcome : come and see our prototype and have a beer with us

23/02/2024 Friday 17h00-19h00 informal drink at, all welcome

INFORMAL all welcome : come and see our prototype and have a beer with us

8/12/2023 Friday 17h00-22h30 Investor Night at

EVENT invitation only: night of the investors

The event started at 17h in the Gembloux.BEER tap room.

We organized guided visits of our office and our street-scale brewery.

24/11/2023 Friday  20h00-22h00 at

INFORMAL all welcome : come and see our prototype and have a beer with us

27/10/2023 Friday  20h00-22h00 at

INFORMAL all welcome : come and see our prototype and have a beer with us

29/09/2023 Friday  20h00-22h00 at

INFORMAL all welcome

26/06/2023 Monday 18h00-22h00 at

Go and watch the event on Youtube: @Streetbrewers